kirstie Hettinga

I am a professor in the Department of Communication at California Lutheran University. I also serve as coordinator for Cal Lutheran's interdisciplinary Spanish media minor.
I teach journalism courses, including COMM 231 "Media Writing," "Content Creation for Digital Platforms," "Advanced Reporting & Editing," "Latinx Media in the U.S.," and I have previously a course in media law as well as our intro to communication class.
I also serve as the faculty adviser to Cal Lutheran's award-winning student paper, The Echo, serve as secretary of the California College Media Association, and I am the Associate Editor of Newspaper Research Journal.
Previously, I was a visiting assistant professor of media and communication studies at Ursinus College, outside of Philadelphia, where I taught "Media Ethics," "Print Journalism," "Online Journalism," "Media History," "Journalism Genres/Writing for the Media," "Intro to Journalism," "News Analysis."
Professor of communication. Student newspaper adviser.
Journalism researcher.