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Peer-Reviewed Publications

Aasen, C., Martinez, R., Seales, L., Hettinga, K., Wigginton, S., & Gracyalny, M. (2024). Reaching new audiences: Student news organization's Spanish-language coverage. College Media Review60. 


Appelman, A., & Hettinga, K. (2024). Innate qualities or learned skills? Copy editors disagree about the need for training. Journalism & Mass Communication Educator, 0(0). 


Appelman, A., & Hettinga, K. (2023). Job satisfaction in the COVID-19 era: A survey of copy editors across fields. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly. 


Lyon Payne, L., Norman, J., Smith, E. & Hettinga, K. (2023). Exhausted and lonely: Learning in student newsrooms during COVID. Media Practice and Education.  


Hettinga, K., Medders, R., & Docter, S. (2022). Student media coverage of censorship and press freedom. College Media Review.


Hettinga, K. & Smith, E. (2021). 'How a copy desk "edit" influenced corrections at the New York Times. Newspaper Research Journal.


Appelman, A. & Hettinga, K. (2021). The ethics of transparency: A review of corrections language in international journalistic codes of ethics. Journal of Media Ethics. 


Smith, E., Lyon Payne, L., Hettinga, K., & Norman, J. (2020). Keeping the lights on and the wolves outside: College student media advisers in Communities of Practice. Journalism & Mass Communication Educator.


Appelman, A. & Hettinga, K. (2020). Correcting online content: The influence of news outlet reputation. Journalism Practice.


Appelman, A. & Hettinga, K. (2020). Errors, requests, apologies... A case study of 50 years of corrections in a college newspaper. College Media Review 57. 


Formentin, M., Hettinga, K., & Appelman, A. (2019). Two wrongs don’t make a right: Journalists’ perceptions and usage of press releases. Corporate Reputation Review.


Smith, E., Hettinga, K., Payne, L. L., Norman, J. (2019). Understanding communities in student newsrooms. Teaching Journalism and Mass Communication 9(1).


Appelman, A. & Hettinga, K. E. (2019). Error message: Creation of a revised codebook for analysis of newspaper corrections. Newspaper Research Journal 40(1). 


Hettinga, K., Appelman, A., Otmar, C. Posada, A., & Thompson, A. (2018). Comparing and contrasting corrected errors at four newspapers. Newspaper Research Journal 39(2). 


Hettinga, K. E. (2018). Exploring how college media advisers teach accuracy. College Media Review 55.


Hettinga, K. E. & Appelman, A. (2016). Repeating error lowers perception of correction’s importance. Newspaper Research Journal, 37(3).


Hettinga, K. E., Clark, R. & Appelman, A. (2016) "Exploring the use of corrections on college newspapers' websites" College Media Review 53(1).


Appelman, A. & Hettinga, K. E. (2015) "Do news corrections affect credibility? Not necessarily," Newspaper Research Journal 36(4).


Hettinga, K. E. & Appelman, A. (2014). Corrections of newspaper errors have little impact,” Newspaper Research Journal 35(1).


Hettinga, K. E. (2013). “Experiencing error: How journalists describe what it's like when the press fails,” Journal of Mass Media Ethics 28(1).  


Non-Peer Reviewed Publications

Hettinga, K. (2024). Editor’s note—Spring 2024. Newspaper Research Journal.

Hettinga, K. (2023). Editor’s note—Fall 2023. Newspaper Research Journal.


Hettinga, K. E. (2015). "It’s not like we’re The New York Times…” Media Ethics. 27(1). 


Hettinga, K. E. (2014). “Initial reactions to the new SPJ Code of Ethics,” Media Ethics 26(1).


Hettinga, K. E. (2013). "Obooma: A case of getting it right," Media Ethics 25(1). 


Hettinga, K. E. (2013). “50 shades of gray… In newspaper accuracy,” Media Ethics 24(1).

    * This article was referenced by Alan Sunderland, head of editorial policy at the Australian Broadcasting Corporation.   


Hettinga, K. E. & Hardin, M. (2010). “Student editors need help in learning how to use codes of ethics,” Media Ethics 22(1), 4 & 18.


Conference Proceedings

Hettinga, K., Wigginton, S., & Seales, L. (2020). "¿Hablas español? Launching a Spanish-language insert at a small student newspaper." In Bernier, M. & Guenee, P. (Eds.) Teaching journalism in a disruptive age: Proceedings of the World Journalism Education Congress (pp. 399-410). Paris, France: World Journalism Education Congress. 


Smith, E., Norman, J.  Lyon Payne, L., & Hettinga, K. (2020). “Teachable moment: Fostering Communities of Practice in student newsrooms.” In Bernier, M. & Guenee, P. (Eds.) Teaching journalism in a disruptive age: Proceedings of the World Journalism Education Congress (pp. 725-739). Paris, France: World Journalism Education Congress. 


Hettinga, K. E. (2016). “Student newspaper manuals need clarification on correction practices.” Paper presented at the World Journalism Education Congress, Auckland, New Zealand.


Hettinga, K. E. (2016). “Newswriting textbooks earn low grades for teaching accuracy.” Paper presented at the World Journalism Education Congress, Auckland, New Zealand.


Hettinga, K. E. & Sell, A. (2016). “Source perception of student journalists’ professionalism.” Paper presented at the World Journalism Education Congress, Auckland, New Zealand.


Conference Presentations

Smith, E., & Hettinga, K. (2024). "'Where magic happens': The intersection of learning and job satisfaction for early career journalists." Paper presented at the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Philadelphia.


Appelman, A., & Hettinga, K. (2024). “Examining Journalistic Role Performance beyond reporting.” Presented at the Annual International Communication Association Conference Preconference: “Journalistic Role Performance: Paths Taken and Pathways Forward.”


Aasen, C., Martinez, R., Seales, L., Hettinga, K., Gracyalny, M., & Wigginton, S. “Reaching new audiences: Student news organizations’ Spanish-language coverage.” (2023). Paper presented at the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Washington D.C.


Medders, R., Docter, S., & Hettinga, K. (2023). “Student newsrooms, political climate and coverage of censorship.” Paper presented at the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Washington D.C.


Hettinga, K., Medders, R., & Docter, S. (2022). "Student media coverage of censorship and press freedom." Paper presented at the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Detroit. 


Smith, E., Lyon Payne, L. Hettinga, K., & Norman, J. (2022). "'We are exhausted!' Student newsrooms in times of COVID." Paper presented at the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Detroit. 


Seales, L., Wigginton, S., & Hettinga, K. (2022). "New directions, new minors: Building an interdisciplinary media minor offering experiential opportunities in Spanish language curriculum." Paper presented at New Directions in the Humanities, University of the Aegean [virtual].


Hettinga, K., Seales, L., & Wigginton, S. (2022). "College newsrooms step up to fill void in Spanish-language pandemic coverage." Paper presented at Annual ICA Conference Virtual Preconference: Media and Communication in Global Latinidades, Paris [virtual].


Hettinga, K. & Smith, E. (2020). “Corrections decrease following The New York Times editing consolidation—is this a good thing?” Paper presented at the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, San Francisco [virtual]. 


Smith, E., Lyon Payne, L. Hettinga, K. & Norman, J. (2020). "Advancing Communities of Practice: The unique position of student media advisers,” Paper presented at the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, San Francisco [virtual]. 


Appelman, A. & Hettinga, K. (2019). "The ethic of transparency: A review of corrections language in international journalistic codes of ethics." Paper presented at the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Toronto. 


Hettinga, K. & Appelman, A. (2019). "Errors, requests, apologies: A case study of 50 years of corrections in a college newspaper." Paper presented at the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Toronto. 


Hettinga, K., Wigginton, S., & Seales, L. (2019). “¿Hablas español? Launching a Spanish-language insert at a small student newspaper.” Paper presented at the World Journalism Education Congress, Paris, France.


Smith, E., Hettinga, K., Lyon Payne, L., & Norman, J. (2019). “Teachable moment: Fostering Communities of Practice in student newsrooms.” Paper presented at the World Journalism Education Congress, Paris, France.


Hettinga, K. & Appelman, A. (2018) “Errors and corrections in digital news content.” Paper presented at the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Washington D.C. Open Competition award (2nd place) Mass Communication & Society Division


Smith, E., Norman, J., Hettinga, K. & Lyon Payne, L. (2018)“I am a journalist: Understanding communities of practice in student newsrooms.” Paper presented at the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Washington D.C.


Hettinga, K. E. (2017). “Exploring how college newspaper advisers teach accuracy.” Paper presented at the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Chicago.


Hettinga, K. E. & Formentin, M. (2017). “Using real and fictitious companies to examine reputation and news judgments in press release usage.” Paper presented at the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Chicago.


Hettinga, K. E. (2016). “Student newspaper manuals need clarification on correction practices.” Paper presented at the World Journalism Education Congress, Auckland, New Zealand.


Hettinga, K. E. (2016). “Newswriting textbooks earn low grades for teaching accuracy.” Paper presented at the World Journalism Education Congress, Auckland, New Zealand.


Hettinga, K. E. & Sell, A. (2016). “Source perception of student journalists’ professionalism.” Paper presented at the World Journalism Education Congress, Auckland, New Zealand.


Appelman, A. & Hettinga, K. E. (2015) "Error message: Creation and validation of a revised codebook for analyses of newspaper corrections." Paper presented at the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, San Francisco, CA.


Formentin, M., Hettinga, K. E., & Appelman, A. (2015). “Two wrongs don't make right: Journalist perceptions of reputation and errors in corporate communication.” Paper presented at the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, San Francisco, CA. 


Hettinga, K. E. & Appelman, A. (2015). Should we repeat the error and attribute blame? Experimental analysis of newspaper-correction style. To be presented at the International Communication Association, Journalism Studies Division, San Juan, Puerto Rico.


Hettinga, K. E. & Clark, R. (2014). “Exploring the use of corrections on college newspapers’ websites.” Paper presented at the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Montreal.


Appelman, A. & Hettinga, K. E. (2014). "The effect of correction impact on news perceptions: An analysis of Democratic Theory." Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC), Newspaper and Online News Division, Montreal.


Hettinga, K. E. (May 2012). “Best practices for corrections at online newspapers.” Paper presented at the International Communication Association annual conference, Phoenix, AZ.

Hettinga, K. E. (August 2011). "Typing corrections: Examining corrections and their role in democratic theory." Paper presented at the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, St. Louis, MO. 


Hettinga, K. E. (August 2011). "Experiencing error: How journalists describe what it's like when the press fails." Paper presented at the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, St. Louis, MO. 
   * Please check out Craig Silverman's Regret the Error blog entry about this research: Errors in Anytown, U.S.A. 

Hettinga, K. E. (May 2011) “Twitter me this: Contemplating the professional issues and discussion brought on by Obama’s off-the-record ‘jackass’ comment.” Paper presented at the International Communication Association, Boston, MA. 

Hettinga, K. E. (November 2010). “Accurate and inclusive: Examining reviews of GLAAD-honored movies.” Paper presented at the National Communication Association, San Francisco, CA. 

Hettinga, K. E. (November 2010). “Clouding the issue: How online newspaper user agreements and discussion guidelines blur legal rights and responsibilities.” Paper presented at the National Communication Association, San Francisco, CA. 

Ash, E. M., Peeling, A. & Hettinga, K. E. (August 2010). “Does content matter?: The effects of type and number of user-generated comments on news stories.” Paper presented at the Association for Education in Journalism & Mass Communication National Conference, Denver, CO. 

Hettinga, K. E. & Hardin, M. (August 2009). “Moving beyond rules: Codes and classes role in ethical decision-making by editors at campus dailies.” Paper presented at the Association for Education in Journalism & Mass Communication National Conference, Boston, MA. 

Hettinga, K. E. (August 2009). “Honor of a man: Adolph Ochs’ influence on corrections in The New York Times.” Paper presented at the Association for Education in Journalism & Mass Communication National Conference, Boston, MA. 

Hettinga, K. E., Ash, E. M. & Halpern, D. (August 2009). “Effects of a trend: The influence of user comments on readers' perceptions of online newspapers.” Paper presented at the Association for Education in Journalism & Mass Communication National Conference, Boston, MA. Top Student Paper, Newspaper Division. 


Panels, Colloquia

Hettinga, K. E. (August 2015) “Teaching Style: Is AP enough in the age of Buzzfeed?” Panel presentation with Beth Haller (Towson University), Thomas Lieb (Towson University) and Steve Bien-Aime (Penn State) at the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, San Francisco, CA. 


Hettinga, K. E. (March 2014). "Current research in news practice and editing." Panel presentation with Alyssa Appelman, Steve Bien-Aime and Fred Vultee at the American Copy Editors Society annual conference, Las Vegas, NV. 


Student Directed Research

Aasen, C. & Martinez, R. (2022). Culver grant-funded "Spanish-language coverage in student newsrooms."


Long E. & Niemi, E. (2019). Culver grant-funded "News corrections in digital and legacy media"


Castaneda-Correa, V. (2019). “The impact of retractions on news credibility.” Western States Communication Association, Undergraduate Conference, Seattle, WA.


Castaneda-Correa, V. (2018). “The impact of retractions on news credibility.” Festival of Scholars


Schmader, M. (2017). "Topics in cosplay." Festival of Scholars.


Bovre, R. (April 2015). “Audience analysis of The Echo.” Festival of Scholars.

Parry, J. (July 2013). “Sandy Hook and news coverage in the age of social media.” Independent student research under Ursinus College’s Summer Fellows Program.   

    * Please check out this article about John Parry's research in the Ursinus College Press Room. 


Madison, D., McCann, M., McGettigan, S., Sandberg, C., & Tucker, S. (April 2013). “The Ursinus Student Newspaper and Journalistic Myth.” Ursinus College Celebration of Student Achievement.

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